
Monday, January 3, 2011


This is the unfortunate sight I came home to after several weeks away. Dead herbs. I had been working on location and neglected my poor little patio garden, so it had withered and died. Actually, it had been raining so hard that it might have actually drowned.

Poor herbs.

The tail end of 2010 swung into high gear in a way I had not anticipated. Work, life, holidays all came into play at the exact same time. It was like a perfect storm. A good storm, yet absolutely crazy.

But one does not turn good fortune down, lest a gift horse kick you in the mouth. That's the cliché, right? Well another standard saying is to start the New Year off right.

So here's a shot of some basil, trying mightily to grow. And that's exactly what G+F will be doing this year, reaching beyond the comfort zone and growing the writing, photography, and cooking skills that fuel this little corner of the internets.

Thanks for being a fan in 2010. Here's to a fabulous 2011!

Happy New Year!


  1. Hey there girl! I'm glad you're back. Have you ever checked out Smitten Kitchen? I tried out this super yummeh mushroom recipe (LOTS of garlic) a couple of weeks ago and OH. MY. GOD.

    Kid & I are going to cook a lot more this year too and I'll be posting my stuff on my LJ. I'll link you.



  2. Yay for cooking! We still need to set up that interview with the Little Chef. What works for you?
